Trade and operate remotely using Techoil ETRM - Inatech
- February 9, 2022
- Posted by: Tom Hedge
- Categories:

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic I don’t think many of us could have imagined the impact the pandemic would have on our working lives. After the initial shock of moving work from the office to home I suspect many thought this would be a temporary fix as we waited for the pandemic to pass.
Fast forward 6 – 8 months and we’re still facing continued disruption from COVID, many of us are still home based and what may have seemed temporary now looks more permanent as businesses explore the idea of permanent home working or a hybrid office/home model.
When talking to oil traders and oil companies I have found many struggled to operate effectively from home finding it difficult to get access to data and the office systems needed to secure deals, to communicate with colleagues when handling multiple negotiations and to gain secure online approvals from management.
Many found temporary work arounds includng spreadsheets, sharing files via email and whatsapp conversations with colleagues but with the prospect of homeworking becoming more permanent – these temporary fixes aren’t an option – a purpose built ETRM system that enables traders, risk managers, treasurers and CFOs to securely manage operations remotely is essential.
Techoil ETRM enables secure remote working for all
Inatech’s Techoil ETRM solution is the only dedicated cloud-based oil trading software on the market.
Techoil is a secure, flexible, single decision support ETRM platform specifically designed to manage the supply and trading of crude, refined and renewable products.
It gives oil companies the flexibility to host their ETRM systems, data and software offsite, and enables employees to easily work remotely.
Fast, secure and remote implementations
Techoil can be implemented remotely and fast as Switzerland-based Emad Energy found when they recently chose Techoil ETRM to help them expand into new markets and scale up their operations.
Despite the difficulties posed by the coronavirus pandemic, the Techoil system was installed for Emad Energy remotely in under four weeks.
One version of the truth and access Techoil seamlessly from home
Techoil also ensures everyone is working from one version of the truth regardless of work location as Connie Grossman, Finance Director at ChemLube International recently confirmed when talking about how they used Techoil across their company.
“Since the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been grateful to have an ETRM solution like Techoil. We have been able to prepare all our financial statements and manage our inventory levels and our customers exposures in real-time and also looking at what’s coming down the pipeline. Everyone in the organisation from operations, sales as well as finance was able to seamlessly access Techoil working from home. Since the implementation of Techoil, we are all working with one version of the truth which makes decision-making easy.”
Seamlessly transform trading operations to remote working using Techoil
Keen to know more about how Techoil can transform and enable secure remote working talk to one of our specialist Techoil consultants or download our latest Techoil ETRM brochure by completing our contact form here.