7 smart ways to improve profitability using oil trading software - Inatech
- February 9, 2022
- Posted by: Tom Hedge
- Categories:
How confident are you that your existing processes can handle more regulations, complex oil pricing, increased operational risk or manage trade profitability in near real-time?
Do you know exactly how much oil you have across your supply chain? Do you know how much it cost? And at what price you need to sell/ trade it in order to make a profit?
If your existing systems can’t help you answer these kinds of questions then it’s time to upgrade your Oil Trading Software.
Transform operations and improve profitability using the latest Oil Trading Software.
The latest Oil Trading Software can streamline operations, improve processes, monitor the profitability of trades and through the power of data and advanced reporting transform your oil trading operations.
And if it’s Inatech’s Techoil ETRM solution that you choose, then through its wide range of applications and sophisticated data analytics you’ll have the tools and information needed to answer to all the above questions and more!
Monitor profitability right across the organization.
Whether you’re a senior manager, a trader, a risk manager, in finance or an operator the benefits of Oil Trading Software speak for themselves.
Management – Manage profitability and spot potential losses.
With the very latest Oil Trading Software all your business data can be stored in one place. This means you:
- Get a clear picture of how the company is performing.
- Can monitor the profitability of every trade.
- More effectively manage risk.
- Can react to changing markets faster.
- Easily access trading, sales, inventory and operations information to speed up decision making.
Traders – Make money and improve profitability.
The latest Oil Trading Software gives you much greater flexibility and visibility when it comes to trades. By deploying Oil Trading Software:
- Improve visibility on daily positions/ exposures.
- Make better and faster decisions with live data from all positions, market insights and front, middle and back-office.
- Have access to accurate position and pnl data in near real-time.
- Secure lines of credit, control exposure and manage credit control and approvals.
Risk Management – Effectively manage exposure.
With the latest Oil Trading Software define your risk strategy, policy and execution and:
- Create and manage trading positions using hedging tools.
- Set and control the risk limit.
- Forecast and monitor exposure by market and product.
- Establish accurate inventory and trading positions.
Finance – Reconcile trades in real-time.
Using a suitable Oil Trading Software product you can maximize cash flow, manage credit and minimize exposure. Also:
- Easily handle counterparty credit management – secure lines, control exposure, set limits etc.
- Manage accounts receivables and accounts payable for steady cash flow.
- Improve auditability, controls and reduce the chance of compliance issues.
- Improve cash management.
Operators – Streamline operations.
Oil Trading Software streamlines operations driving efficiency. Efficiency gains can be achieved through:
- Automating processes across operations.
- Improved transport planning.
- Effectively managing different transport modes.
- Automating third party communications.
Techoil ETRM – The only dedicated cloud-based oil trading software on the market.
Find out how Techoil ETRM can improve profitability and deliver all the benefits outlined above. Download the latest product brochure or book a demo, today.